Sunday, September 26, 2010

sahur bersama rumah sewa

its 354am now while i'm having my sahur for puasa 6. i think i'm still with the jetlag even after 3 days be in sheffield from lonngg holiday in msia. hehe. sahur mkn twix dibalut dgn roti. so unhealthy, tp salah kn diri sndiri sbb stok herbalife dh hbes. hr nih br nk order bli. xleh kot idop xde herbalife sbb tuh je sng nk mkn. xyh pk. even xde nikmat pn mkn dia. haha. mknn yg x naek kn nfsu, tp sedap juge la and menyihatkan.

mule2 pk, time b4 fly back to the uk tmpoh hari...nk buat 1 blog yg covers all about my life in sheffield as for final year student. tp x reti nk wat yg baru psl kne ade emel baru. leceh haih! pkai je la yg dok ada nih. haha..

sahur bkn la cite sbnrnye pn. hehe. cite sbnrnye psl dok kelam kabut lagi nk dok umah mana. gile! esok dah kelas. final year nih miah. oweys bear in mind that. huhu.

la ni, aku dok umh tiqah kt 9 havelock. b4 this, ade book 2 umah...1 lagi kt 15A filey. tp ade sorg bdk umh tuh lmbat knfom nk stay ke or nk blah dr umah tuh. ok la. mlas nk renyah2 pk, aku pn ckp kt 9 havelock nih, ok la..aku knfom umh hang. pstu aleh2, bdk 2 org 15A filey tarik aku balik dok ngn depa. mmg la murah, 170 per month..sapa xnk kn? tp umh 9 havelock ni kalau aku blah ada 4 blik kosng. sapa nk tolng isi kn? umh 15A filey tuh, 1 je kosng. rent umh tuh GBP450. depa x mau bayaq mahal sgt sorg, which is GBP225. psai depa sbnqnya dok aim umh murah. instead of dpt rumah murah, dh jadik umah mahai plak. haih~

hari ni ptg td, p jmpa landlord mr qayyum. he was nice and very flexible. dia dh fix a bit the shower room, tiling baru. and bg aku tumpang plak kn letak brg for 3 months cuti summer. PREE plak tuh. adeh. aku pn, rsa x fair plak kn. so aku pn baya la kt dia GBP 150. cian. xpa la. org respect, tolng kite,pcya kite.aku pn xnk la ssh kn dia. so bg je. xpe. thanks mr qayy!

umh tuh sepah gile. pnuh ngn brg. blik2 pn bdak sblum ni x buang hbes brg diorg. semak snguh. haih. brg aku dok ssun elok2 kt umh tuh pn dh sepah cmpak2 mna dah. cian aku. haha. xpa lah. la ni, aku dh xtau nk dok mna psl bdk2 tuh diberi msa 1 buln ngn depo 200 utk cri seorg lagi msuk umh tuh. tp aku pk, xpa. aku kne jmpe mr hasif, landlord umh nih dlu ckp mcm mna. sbb kami pn kosng 3 blik. pening gak la.

aku pn xtau apa kesudahannya. tgk cmna dlm mngu nih. hrap bleh stel cpat. ciao~

Thursday, September 16, 2010

happy eid mubarak 2010


hows everything today? mine is always good. just sent aep's music folio this morning. hehe..comel. ok, this entry wud be more on my eid celebration with my family members and relatives in kampar, perak. it was awesome, besh sgt! every year pn best la sbb dpt balik kampung. for me, there wud no hari raya if i wasnt able to be in the kampung. no at all. wajib balik! hehe. here are some of the pics taken by me definitely. oo yes..i'm also not going to miss the hari raya celebration here in kampar like my 1st year in sheffield,2008. x besh. haha.

that's my family member, but kk wasnt there with us. he got to go to work. but it's okay for him. hehe. this was at andak's house in batu putih, kampar. my dad's favourite travel lodge anyways. hehe.

those were the kids attended at mak long's house in taman sentosa, kampar. shud have more than this since ank abg nyen and ank abg parin werent there. but they really really have a blast one! we shud have them next time ya buddies.

not all of us were there but this amount is gonna boom next time of eid celebration. wanna gather and see more of my relatives celebrate the beautiful and joyous hari raya together. this is precious and unvaluable. love you all with all my heart.